Dashboard Sharing
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Travel Eye allows you to share your dashboards with other members of your team.
To do so, navigate to the dashboard list and click the “Add user” button. This will open the share dialogue. From there, you can manage the list of users you want to share the dashboard with and their permissions. Every user you invite to your dashboard receives a notification via email.
You can share dashboards with users outside your own organization by entering the user's full email address.
The following table lists the capabilities of the viewer and manager roles.
View dashboard
Copy dashboard
Remove dashboard (from your own dashboard list)
Delete dashboard (for everyone)
Edit dashboard
Manage dashboard access and permissions
Regardless of the role a user has for a particular dashboard, they can only see data for organizations which they can access in the Travel Monitor. This is because you are only sharing the definition of the dashboard and its panels, but not the actual data.