Country Stays

The “Country Stays” cube contains information about the countries that people visit.

A stay in a country is defined as the time interval between entering and exiting the country. Stays which last less than 8 hours (e.g. by people who commute daily between countries) are ignored to reduce noise.

Ongoing stays have an indeterminate length, since their end date is not known yet.

“Country Stays” is a Type 2 SCD that allows change tracking over time by applying a filter to “Country stays – Valid on” or selecting it as a time dimension.



The number of distinct country stays in the result set.


Start date

The UTC timestamp at which the person entered the country.

End date

The UTC timestamp at which the person left the country. This value is optional.

Valid on

The UTC period during which the record was valid (i.e. the time from creation to deletion of the record).

Join compatibility

Country stays can be joined with:

Last updated